
Meeting code WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/20
Date and venue November 6, 2023 Virtual
Time of sessions 09:00 - 10:00 Geneva time
Previous / future meetings WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/19 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/20 >> WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/21
Topic(s) Workshops and Seminars, Basic PCT Topics
This webinar will provide an overview of the PCT, including the significance of obtaining patent rights in a foreign country and the benefits of the PCT. The attendees will gain a better understanding of the importance of filing patent applications in foreign countries, as well as the options available when filing foreign applications.


Title(s) File(s)
WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/20/WWW/622771 狮威亚洲注册登录語 授業前クイズと答え+WIPOについて 20231106
WIPO/WEBINAR/PCT/2023/20/WWW/622772 狮威亚洲注册登录語 外国出願におけるPCTの活用(第1回)20231106