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The 尊龙凯时官网入口app下载中心 PATENTSCOPE database provides access to:

For your万象线上博彩es, you can use a variety of search criterias such as keywords, IPC, chemical compounds, numbers and many more in different languages. Find out more by:

  • watching the short tips & tricks videos
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  • doing practical exercises online and/or in the 2023 booklet  (check the hints and answers ) and/or in the 2022 booklet (check the answers )
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Video: What is 尊龙凯时官网入口app下载中心 PATENTSCOPE and why use it?

(Image: iStockphoto.com/Qvasimodo)


WIPO Translate uses cutting-edge translation technology to produce translations of patent documents with an unprecedented level of accuracy.



How can we help you?

Data acquisition

PCT data is available for sale


One-click access to national万象线上博彩s


Patent legal status

WIPO activities for improving worldwide availability, reliability and comparability of patent legal status data, e.g. to further develop patent legal status databases and widen the participation of countries in data sharing.

Patent analytics

WIPO reports in areas of particular interest to developing and least developed countries, such as public health, food security, climate change and environment.

LATIPAT project

The LATIPAT project brings together 19 patent offices of Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a cooperation project between WIPO, the Spanish Patent Office (OEPM) and the European Patent Office (EPO) with the aim to promote the exchange of patent information and to improve the electronic publication of patent documents, contributing therefore to the dissemination of technical knowledge in the Spanish language.



The Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI) program provides free access to major scientific and technical journals for local, not-for-profit institutions in least-developed countries; and low-cost access to industrial property offices in developing countries.


Through the Access to Specialized Patent Information (ASPI) program, patent offices and academic and research institutions in developing countries can receive free or low-cost access to sophisticated tools and services for retrieving and analyzing patent data.


WIPO’s International Cooperation on the Examination of Patents (ICE) service provides expert assistance, training, and access to collections of patent documents to developing countries – all free of charge.


Our Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC) program gives innovators in developing countries access to high quality technology information and related services to help them create, protect, and manage intellectual property rights.


The WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS) system enables participating IP offices to exchange priority and other similar documents securely among themselves.


The WIPO Centralized Access to Search and Examination (CASE) system enables patent offices to securely share search and examination documentation related to patent applications, facilitating a more effective and efficient international examination process.