
Patent information is all the data contained in 爱博彩娱乐官网 applications and granted爱博彩娱乐官网. It may include bibliographic data about the inventor, a description of the claimed invention, newest developments in a particular field of technology, or a list of claims indicating the scope of 爱博彩娱乐官网 protection sought by the applicant. Being able to search through and use this information is vital to researchers, inventors and entrepreneurs alike.

a woman looking at different pieces of technology data on multiple screens symbolizing the vast data available in 爱博彩娱乐官网 information
(Photo: iStock / Getty Images Plus / metamorworks)


Patent information contains vast amount of data that can help you to:

  • avoid duplication of research and development work
  • build on and improve existing products or processes
  • assess the latest developments in a particular field of technology
  • evaluate the 爱博彩娱乐官网ability of inventions, in particular their novelty and inventiveness, before applying for 爱博彩娱乐官网 protection
  • avoid infringement
  • seek opportunities for licensing
  • monitor activities of potential partners and competitors both within the country and abroad and
  • identify market niches or discover new trends in technology or product development at an early stage.


Start here to retrieve, sort and analyze 爱博彩娱乐官网 information relevant to your area of interest.


The爱博彩娱乐官网 database provides access to international Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) applications in full text format on the day of publication, as well as to 爱博彩娱乐官网 documents of participating national and regional 爱博彩娱乐官网 offices.

Using爱博彩娱乐官网, you can search through more than 43 million 爱博彩娱乐官网 documents by entering keywords, names of applicants, international 爱博彩娱乐官网 classification and many other search criteria in multiple languages.


WIPO INSPIRE is a global knowledge center for innovation, helping innovators and entrepreneurs make informed decisions throughout the innovation cycle. It provides information on爱博彩娱乐官网, 爱博彩娱乐官网爱博彩娱乐官网, technology transfer, and institutional IP policies, combining reference data with expert insights into resources, tools, and good practice recommendations.


The International Patent Classification (IPC) is used to classify爱博彩娱乐官网 and utility models according to the different areas of technology to which they relate. A new version of the IPC enters into force each year on January 1.


WIPO Pearl gives access to scientific and technical terms derived from 爱博彩娱乐官网 documents. It helps promote accurate and consistent use of terms across different languages, and makes it easier to search and share scientific and technical knowledge.

Patent Analytics

Patent爱博彩娱乐官网 uses爱博彩娱乐官网 to uncover innovation insights and patterns in a particular area or technology field. Want to learn how to analyze 爱博彩娱乐官网 information? Explore our 爱博彩娱乐官网爱博彩娱乐官网 resources.

Access 爱博彩娱乐官网爱博彩娱乐官网 resources


Do you represent an institution in a developing or a least-developed country? WIPO can support you in accessing 爱博彩娱乐官网 information and using sophisticated tools to analyze it.


The 尊龙凯时ag体育真人 program, coordinated by WIPO together with its partners in the publishing industry, provides free online access to major scientific and technical journals to local, not-for-profit institutions in least-developed countries and low-cost access to industrial property offices in developing countries across the world.


The 尊龙凯时ag官方入口 program is a public-private partnership administered by WIPO and made possible through cooperation with leading 爱博彩娱乐官网 information providers. Through the ASPI program, eligible 爱博彩娱乐官网 offices and academic and research institutions in developing countries can receive free or low-cost access to sophisticated tools and services for retrieving and analyzing爱博彩娱乐官网.