
In the digital era more than ever, creators need adequate intellectual property (IP) tools and resources to bring to market their products and services. This need is indeed crucial for creators from developing countries, in order to allow them to retain control over their work, secure fair revenues, and ultimately incentivize further creativity.

Efficient IP management of creative industries also benefits developing countries’ economic growth. Music, film, software, design, and publishing industries foster local innovation and generate job opportunities, while strong IP frameworks increase investor certainty and lead to increased funding for local creative projects and industries.

(Image: Getty images/master1305)


At WIPO, we support the creation and implementation of effective national IP frameworks in developing countries, and offer tools, resources and networking opportunities to empower individual creators from these countries. This project, run by the Committee on Development and Intellectual Property (CDIP) under WIPO Development Agenda, brings together creative businesses from four beneficiary countries - Chile, Indonesia, UAE and Uruguay – to generate collaborations and mutual learning opportunities, and to keep up with the latest developments in the digital landscape of the global creative market. Download the complete project proposal

Scoping Study

The scoping study is a comprehensive analysis of the legal framework in the four beneficiary countries to this project - Chile, Indonesia, UAE and Uruguay. It provides insights and recommendations for adapting the national legal frameworks to the digital realities. Download the scoping study.


metaverse music concert
(IMAGE: iStock / Getty Images Plus/naratrip boonroung)


The guidelines will help beneficiary countries to organize awareness-building campaigns on the role of IP in creative industries. They offer general advice on awareness building as well as specific recommendations for activities in the areas of audiovisual productions, music, publishing, videogames, mobile apps and fashion. Download the guidelines

a person working on a digital animation
(IMAGE: iStock / Getty Images Plus/mediaphotos)


This training tool familiarizes novice animation professionals with the production, legal, and business-related aspects required to participate in the global marketplace for animated films, TV programs, online content, and educational materials. The tool places a strong emphasis on the principles and standards of copyright that are currently observed within the international animation community. Download the tool

fashion in the digital era exposed in the metaverse
(Image: iStock / Getty Images Plus/Floriana)


This tool assists fashion designers and retailers by providing a road map on how the different forms of IP should be protected in order to safeguard fashion professionals' interests, recoup design and development costs, as well as reap a profit. It outlines the key IP rights relevant to the fashion industry and the manner in which they may be deployed in the product life cycle. Download the tool

a hand taking out a digital tablet from a book shelf symbolizing digital publishing
(Image: iStock / Getty Images Plus/BAONA)


This guide focuses on assisting publishers in less developed countries and small publishers everywhere to improve their understanding of the digital transformation and the opportunities it represents. Download the guide

Events on IP for creative industries


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