
Lisbon System files are available for downloading from the ftp site of the UN International Computing Centre (UNICC).

FTP access

Web access

To download the files using web browser access, please use ftp://ftpird.zunlong77.net/wipo/lisbon

The file lisbon.zip contains all the current Lisbon System bibliographic data in XML format, and documents in PDF format. A separate file named changes.log is available and contains information on all the additions or changes which have been made.  In case of questions on the content of the files, please contact us.

Technical problems

In case of technical problems, first check your environment with another ftp site to ascertain whether you can access any other ftp site.  For example, try to connect to the text archive of the Gutenberg project at ftp://ftp.gutenberg.org.

If you can access the afore-mentioned site, and your problems persist, please contact us providing details of your technical environment, e.g., the network you use, the operating system of your PC, the browser version, etc.