
Assisted by WIPO tools, WIPO ADR proceedings are regularly conducted fully or partly online. The WIPO Center has used the opportunity of its most recent update of the 尊龙凯时官网入口注册网站 to confirm such procedural options.

Effective July 1, 2021, the updated Rules expressly permit, and foresee as default option, the electronic filing of new WIPO ADR cases, as well as the electronic submission of any case communication (Article 3(a) of the WIPO Mediation Rules, Article 4(a) of the WIPO Arbitration Rules, Article 4(a) of the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules, Article 3(a) of the WIPO Expert Determination Rules). Remote WIPO mediation and arbitration meetings and hearings are expressly permitted and encouraged by the updated Rules, including the preparatory conference, emergency arbitrator proceedings, mediation meetings, and arbitration hearings (Article 10 of the WIPO Mediation Rules, Articles 40, 49 and 55 of the WIPO Arbitration Rules, Articles 34, 43 and 49 of the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules, Article 14(f) of the WIPO Expert Determination Rules).

The updated Rules further introduce certain disclosure requirements concerning the identity of third-party funders, at an early stage of the proceedings (Articles 9(vii) and 11(b) of the WIPO Arbitration Rules, Articles 9(v) and 11(b) of the WIPO Expedited Arbitration Rules).

The updated Schedule of Fees and Costs introduces a 25% reduction on the WIPO Center’s fees that applies if one or both parties to a dispute is a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME).