尊龙凯时官网入口注册开户 Language Division

By providing comprehensive and high-quality translation, interpretation and other language services, the 尊龙凯时官网入口注册开户 Language Division helps to promote multilingualism in WIPO; satisfies the needs of its Member States and other stakeholders for multilingual documentation and easy access to information; facilitates multilateral negotiations, norm-setting activities, technical assistance and coordination; and contributes to the development and maintenance of a balanced and effective global intellectual property ecosystem for the good of everyone.  The Division is also responsible, together with other parts of the Secretariat, for the formulation, adoption and implementation of related policy issues and manages information technology projects aimed at strengthening and improving the functioning of language services.


  • Delivering translation services with regard to: treaties and other international instruments administered by WIPO and UPOV; national legislative texts; documents for the Assemblies of Member States, other main bodies, committees and working groups, including their working documents and meeting reports; publications, training material, the WIPO website and other communication content.
  • Providing interpretation services for all multilingual meetings and events organized by the various sectors of the Organization for its Member States and other stakeholders.
  • Giving advice to colleagues in the Secretariat with regard to the drafting of multilingual material, especially on grammar, style, register, and usage; and preparing multilingual glossaries and terminology used in the different business areas of the Organization.


Photo: Lijun FAN

Director: Lijun FAN

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