

The WIPO Conversation is an open, inclusive, multi-stakeholder forum intended to provide stakeholders with a leading, global setting to discuss the impact of frontier technologies on all IP rights and to bridge the existing information gap in this fast moving and complex field.

The sessions of the Conversation have a truly global reach. The last session on IP and Generative AI has attracted more than 5,000 attendees spanning across 162 countries from Member States, to academia, IP professionals and enterprises.

WIPO is leading the forum to advance the understanding of the IP issues involved in the development of frontier technologies, including AI, throughout the economy and society and its significant impact on the creation, production and distribution of economic and cultural goods and services.


In the past few years, the rapid pace of technological advancements has created a paradigm shift in the way creative works are produced and distributed. With the ability to create novel and realistic content such as images, music, and even text, generative AI has the potential to revolutionize multiple industries. Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms continue to play a growing role in the creation of music, images, and other forms of content, and thus raises diverse IP questions

The eighth session of the WIPO Conversation sought to bring together all stakeholders to discuss these important issues, to help establish best practices for the protection of creative works in the digital age, and to provide a map for navigating the challenges brought to the copyright system by generative AI.

September 20 and 21, 2023

The eighth session of the WIPO Conversation had a close look at the intersection of generative AI and IP and the challenges and opportunities it presents. It will address current issues, practical solutions, and future directions in the field.

To allow as wide participation as possible, the event was held in a hybrid format.

A video recording, presentations and written interventions were published shortly after the session.

The agenda of the meeting is available.

WIPO Conversation is open to everyone and registration is free.

Please sign up for our regular news updates which will inform you as soon as we have further details on the upcoming sessions.

Video: Discover how Malik Afegbua from Nigeria creates an AI-generated runway and art fashion


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The seventh session looked at the wide spectrum of frontier technologies enabling the大地网投下载app下载, such as AI, blockchain and the NFTs, emerging AR and VR technologies, the Internet of Things and data processing and discussed the challenges the大地网投下载app下载 poses to the existing IP system.

conceptual representation of artificial intelligence technology


The fifth session looked at the new technologies and assessed their possible uses in IP administration and registration as well as the disruption they may cause to the IP system. It encouraged information sharing across all stakeholders from IPOs to private enterprises and sharing diverse views from IP professionals, innovators, creators and individuals.

cyber data circulating across a network
(Photo: WIPO)

Data and IP

The fourth session of the WIPO Conversation on IP and Frontier Technologies discussed some of the background to the current data debates including what data is and why this intangible asset increasingly matters and is changing how we do business, innovate and create.

conceptual representation of artificial intelligence technology
(Photo: WIPO)


The first three sessions of the WIPO Conversation looked at AI and IP policy and discussed questions AI raises for the IP system. The sixth session specifically focused on AI inventions and how IP Offices worldwide are supporting AI.